Butternut Squash on Puff Pastry Stars


I first made this recipe for a Christmas dinner in 2012. It was simple and yet full of taste and I loved it since butternut squash is one of my favorite veggies. Back then I made it with ready made puff pastry. Since then I have experimented and made my own and it turned out very successful. Remembering how good the recipe was I decided to make it again but with my own puff pastry. The good thing with all types of pastries is that you can make them in big quantities and then store them in the freezer. Every time you need to use some you just take it out of the freezer in advance.

For the butternut squash topping we need:

1/2 butternut squash
2 onions
100g feta cheese or parmesan
1tsp sugar
salt and pepper

For the puff pastry recipe please check my previous post here. For this recipe we need 1/4kg puff pastry.

To make the butternut squash topping we peel and cut the butternut squash into small squares. We then boil them until they are cooked but not very soft as we are going to bake them in the oven along with the puff pastry later on. We cut the onions into slices. In a pan we heat 2-3 tbsp of olive oil in medium to strong heat and then add the onions. When they start getting transparent we sprinkle the sugar. We cook for 2-3 minutes and then add the boiled butternut squash with rosemary, salt and pepper. We stir and cook further for about 3 more minutes and remove from heat. For this recipe we need 1/3 of the puff pastry. We either cut the puff pastry into squares or if we want a more stylish outcome we use medium-big cookie cutters. We place the puff pastry on a oiled or covered with cooking paper baking tray. At this stage we stir in the butternut squash mixture the cheese cut in small cubes and then on each square/shape we spoon our butternut squash mixture.

We preheat the oven at 200C  and bake the butternut squash stars for about 15-20 minutes or until golden.

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